National Burn Awareness Weekend  falls right in the middle of go red month. So in the middle of trying to have heart disease awareness and in the middle of  red being plastered everywhere, red is not standing for fires and burns.

Sad we just get a week, but in my head I’m going to pretend that going red means we’re not getting burned, okay? So we’re going to celebrate heart disease and burn prevention.

If you could guess, how many people sustained burn injuries each year in the United States alone?

There are 480,000 people that sustained a burn injury that requires them to seek treatment in the US every year. Can you believe that? It’s the same as the number of people who die of heart disease every year. But burns change your life for a lifetime.


Where are burn patients cared for?

There are only a 120 registered burn centers in the United States of America. But all are not created equal. Some go for this rigorous verification process to be certain we recognize that burncare isn’t just getting your skin better. It’s about fixing your image and restoring your soul, rehabbing you and getting you back to work. And so those burn centers are called verified centers and there’s only 65. Do you hear me?  SIXTY-FIVE verified burn centers in the country, okay? So 9 times out of 10, if you have a burn injury and you go to your regular hospital they haven’t seen a burn patient in a while, so my first tip to you for Burn Awareness Week is if you sustained a major burn injury, you can recommend and request to be referred to a burn center.