Five Easy Ways to Reduce Your Arthritis Pain

By |2017-04-17T16:00:05+00:00April 17th, 2017|Health Tips|

Arthritis is a poorly understood condition in which the cartilage that lines joint surfaces starts to break down.   This causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. As the condition worsens, the joint becomes more deformed and the inflammation increases. There are over 100 types of arthritis. The most well-known forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. [...]

Beware of How You Use Your Cell Phone: 7 Tips to Avoid Texting Thumb.

By |2017-04-17T15:47:09+00:00April 17th, 2017|Health Tips|

Whoever thought you could get a disease from using your cell phone?  Yes, Texting Thumb is really a thing. It is a legitimate diagnosis borne out of technological advances of the 21st-century. Texting Thumb is a form of repetitive sprain injury (RSI) that can result from prolonged text messaging. To be fair, it can also result [...]

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